How to remove musty odour after water damage?

Water damage is common because of a broken pipe, the aftermath of a fire or a leaky roof.

Regardless of the reason, water damage may fill your house with an unpleasant odour.

This nasty odour may last for several weeks or months. Fortunately, you can use a number of cheap natural remedies to remove musty odour after water damage.

Instead of using harsh chemicals, start with natural remedies.

  • Open all windows and doors in your house. It will remove bad air from your house and offer better ventilation and air circulation.
  • Mildew and mould are common after water damage so you have to remove it from surfaces. Mildew and mould can cause musty odour and fill your house. Use pure white vinegar to remove the odour and kill the mildew and mould.
  • You can use wet or dry vacuum to remove extra moisture from carpets. The fibres of carpets can trap moisture that can cause mildew and mould to nurture and produce a nasty musty odour. Use fans to dry carpets and avoid the chances of mildew.
  • Let the carpet dry and sprinkle some baking soda on dried carpets. Spread baking soda in the carpet with a broom. Leave the baking soda on the carpets overnight. Always remember that baking soda is a natural deodoriser to remove odours of carpet. It is safe for everyone to utilise even though you have pets and children. You can remove baking soda through vacuuming.
  • Fill one spray bottle with pure white vinegar. Copiously spray stinking furniture and fabric with the white vinegar. Let the vinegar to dry naturally on the furniture and clothing. With its pungent odour, vinegar can dissipate instantly and remove the musty odour trapped in the furniture and upholstery.
  • You have to wash curtains and clothing with 2 cups of pure white vinegar. The pure vinegar can remove musty odour after water damage while slaying mildews and mould.

Identify the Source of Smell

Sometimes, you get the musty smell in your house without visible water damage.

A musty smell means that mould is growing around you.

Mould prefers particular environment like warm, dark and damp.

It may grow in specific places other than those strictures like sheet-rock walls with leaky pipes dripping on it.

You can find mould in a humid environment.

Remove Damaged and Wet Material

You may have specific material in-house that you can’t clean or repair once they got damaged by the mould of moisture.

Sheetrock can be a haven for hazardous mould.

Chipboards and fibreboard may be wrapped and start to decompose.

Cushioning and carpet or liner under may get sodden with dampness.

These things become moist smelling quickly.

It is not the right way to dry and clean carpet that may become musty. It will be good to remove these things. Make sure to wear breathing equipment to evade the dust and spores.

Clear the Location of Mould Spores

After removing the damaged material, you may notice mould on a concrete foundation, bare studs and something to fend off the dampness.

You have to clean this area to remove stains of mould and kill spores. It will decrease musty smells that still linger around these areas. You can remove mould spores with a recipe.

  • White vinegar: Two Parts
  • Boric Acid: One Part
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Two Parts
  • Water: Four Parts

Prepare a mixture of these ingredients, but use in a limit because this cleaner can contribute to extra moisture in these areas.

Ventilate and Deodorise the Area

After scrubbing and mopping up extra moisture, you have to dry this area by adding additional airflow.

You must set up one fan heater or one box fan. You have to plan this cleaning on a nice breezy day.

Open the windows to allow fresh air in your house. If the musty odour persists, you must use water and baking soda paste.

Just sprinkle in the affected area for 4 to 5 hours and vacuum it later.